Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Vibrator with ipod attached (Sex toy) Whitney Houston's Murder THE BODYGUARD FULL MOVIE

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Music is a big part of technology and news.  With the death of Whitney Houston, president Obama will be trying to ride on the coat tails of her death.  Many people believe that her death was a murder and that the Obama had something to do with it!! Obama wants to steal the star power of all the Black stars in Hollywood and make people pay attention to the the president instead of Black movie stars like Whitney Houston and Will Smith. 

Since Obama becam President, Black Hollywood has lost some of the spotlight to him instead of the actors and singers of the entertainement industry.  Since JFL, Hollywood has always had to compete with Washington to get more camera time an publicity.  The first presidential debates were broadcast on TV and JFK won because people though he was good looking like an actor from Hollywood or a celebrity.

Obama had to compete with Coby Bryant and Will Smith, Whitney Houston, Mariah Carey, and all the other pop stars.  When Obama was elected he made a deal with the media to get more publicity than famous Black stars, because they think that the president should be more famous and more popular than an actor or a sports figure.

Remember the Clinton administration when Michael Jordon and Whitney Houston made her iconic movie, "The Bodyguard" with Kevin Costner.  "The Bodyguard" movie was about interracial couples defying the odds.  The song, "I Will Always Love You" was one of the biggest soundtrack hits of all time and got played on the radio.  All of this was because the politicians thought that civil rights movement could use a boost from the entertainment industry in Hollywood just like the anti-Nazi campaign that Hollywood Jewish film producers did during WWII.

Civil Rights was not as obvious, it became apart of a publicity campaign to get positive images of Blacks on the radio, with Motown and in the movies with Sydney Portier and others.  This was in the 60's, in the 90's clinton wanted Whitney to blow up really big to help the image of Black women in America, with positive lyrics.

Of course Whitney Houston was HIV positive in the 1984 when she came out with her first hit single.  You could hear the anguish in her voice talkig about the children are the future.  She sang this lyric knowing that she would never give birth to a healthy child.  Most stars in Hollywood were positive in the the early 80's including Michael Jackson and Elizabeth Taylor but they never came out of the closet as gay and never told anyone that they had HIV. 

They got the latest treatment of AZT and other drugs.  Every major celebrity or famous person from the 80's really all contracted HIV and were used for HIV drug experiments. HIV helped thei careers because they would band together with other HIV powerful people to look for a cure with experimental drugs that were helping them fight the disease.  Live  Aid and "We are the World" were all to fight HIV AIDS in Africa and hunger to see if the experimental drugs in AFrica could find a cure that is why all the celebrities got together for one cause.

Obama wanted a famous Black celebrity to boost his popularity by association because the election is coming up soon.  So, he agreed with Whitney Houston and Clive Davis that Whitney should face her own death just like Elvis and disappear.  Whitney Houston's T cell count must have been very low, or the effects of  drug abuse may have caused a heart attack. 

However, did Whitney Houston commit suicide on purpose killing herself because her career and marriage was failing and HIV was taking it's toll.  Or, did Whitney Houston get murdered by the Obama people who forced Whitney Houston to take too many pills just like Marilyn Monroe and JFK.  Maybe the CIA had something to do with Whitney Houston's death, murder and OBAMA HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH WHITNEY'S DEATH because the CIA was acting without Obama approval, and without Obama's knowledge.

The CIA also maybe had something to do with Michael Jackson's Death and Aaliyah's death.  Many people think that the president had sex with all of the major Black stars in Hollywood to gain popularity. 

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